
Designing Your Life: How To Build A Well-Lived, Joyful Life


Designing Your Life How To Build A Well-Lived, Joyful Life is a book co-authored by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans , who are both design thinkers and educators


ISBN-13: 978-1101875339 Category: Tags: , , ,

Designing Your Life: How To Build A Well-Lived ebook, Joyful Life is a book co-authored by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, who are both design thinkers and educators. The book offers practical advice and tools to help readers build a fulfilling and meaningful life. In this article, we will explore some of the key concepts and takeaways from the book.

Introduction to Design Thinking Designing Your Life:

Design thinking is a human-centered approach to problem-solving that involves empathy, experimentation, and iteration. The authors apply this approach to the problem of designing a fulfilling life, arguing that just like a product or service, a life can also be designed and improved through a process of iteration and experimentation.

Building a Life You Love:

One of the key messages of the book is that building a fulfilling life requires intentional and active design. Rather than waiting for life to happen to you, the authors encourage readers to take a proactive approach to designing their lives. They offer a range of tools and exercises to help readers clarify their values, set goals, and experiment with different options.

The Life Design Process:

The authors outline a five-step process for designing a fulfilling life:

  1. Understand Your Lifeview: Your lifeview is the set of beliefs and assumptions that shape how you see the world and your place in it. The authors encourage readers to reflect on their lifeview and consider how it may be influencing their choices and actions.
  2. Start Where You Are: The authors emphasize the importance of starting with the reality of your current situation, rather than getting stuck in idealized or unrealistic visions of the future. They offer tools for assessing your current situation and identifying areas of satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
  3. Building a Compass: A compass is a set of guiding principles that can help you navigate the choices and challenges of life. The authors encourage readers to identify their core values and use them to create a compass for their life design.
  4. Prototyping Your Life: Prototyping involves trying out different ideas and solutions in a low-risk, experimental way. The authors encourage readers to generate multiple options for their life design and test them out through small experiments and projects.
  5. Wayfinding: Wayfinding involves using feedback and reflection to navigate the twists and turns of life. The authors encourage readers to pay attention to what is working and what isn’t, and to make adjustments as needed to stay on course.

Designing Your Work Life:

The authors also offer specific advice and tools for designing a fulfilling work life. They emphasize the importance of taking a “designer’s mindset” to work, which involves reframing challenges as opportunities for creativity and experimentation. They also offer tools for clarifying your strengths and values, and for generating and testing ideas for career paths and work projects.


Designing Your Life: How To Build A Well-Lived, Joyful Life offers a refreshing and practical approach to the challenge of building a fulfilling life. The authors apply the principles of design thinking to the problem of life design, offering a range of tools and exercises to help readers clarify their values, set goals, and experiment with different options. Whether you are just starting out in your career, going through a life transition, or simply looking for ways to enhance your well-being and satisfaction, this book offers valuable insights and guidance.